Is your care home looking for a safe, simple and compliant eMAR solution?
In England 237 million mistakes occur at some point during the medication process. In care homes more than 92% of errors occur in the medication administration process.
The CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Services 2014 to 2017 report found that medicines management was a key factor associated with unsafe care.
However, there is a solution
By embracing eMAR, pharmacists and care homes can significantly reduce these figures and issues. Here’s why.
Omnicell’s eMAR solution automates the entire medication management and administration process, gathering information, providing prompts and accurate instructions for staff, giving managers real time administration data at the touch of a button. It makes the medication administration process more efficient.
In addition, care home management and staff can now have the COVID-19 vaccine status of each resident at their fingertips as part of the eMAR Reporting Suite.
"The new COVID-19 recording feature has been a huge help for our care home. All of the vaccine information is recorded in one place and it's presented alongside all the medication that we've administered” Heather Bethune, Care Home Manager at Abbeyfield House Care Home.
Reducing the risk of medication administration errors, making the whole process safe simple and reliable. The system captures every user interaction, providing an end to end accurate audit trail.
Omnicell’s eMAR solution has many benefits including:
- Supports CQC audit and guidelines
- Simple alert and verification system reducing risk of medication errors
- Clear audit trail
- Reporting dashboard that can be accessed remotely
- Patient specific barcode scanning function - significantly reduces the risk of medication errors and ensures the right dose of the right medication is given to the right person at the right time, every time.
Automation can help care homes with the high volume and complexity of medicines being administered to residents. It's especially useful for carers who have a limited knowledge of medication.
With the easy to learn and simple to use system your care home can focus more on patient care, while reducing the risk of potential medication errors.
"Our staff have really embraced the new system and we have had multiple reports detailing just how easy it is to use. Since we’ve introduced Omnicell eMAR the risk of human error has been significantly reduced. Our residents’ safety has also increased.” Julie Spencer, Head of Care, Avery Healthcare Group.