Predictive is next up for Care Planning
The demographic and political framing pre and post-pandemic has made it harder than ever to operate within the current funding model. Hard to keep occupancy rates up. Hard to stay compliant. Hard to attract and keep qualified, or even experienced staff. What used to be a hospital ward is now a nursing home wing. So, complexity has risen. Leading to the single most important innovation to come in social care.
Prediction will change how care is managed and delivered
During last year, we set out to test a new generation of care planning. Together with a Surrey nursing home, we are proactively monitoring residents’ “data patterns”. With the care recordings already in, the foundation for better understanding and developing the care practices is in place.
That’s really the core of the rehabilitative idea. To secure outcomes in a more cost-effective way. By detecting early signs of change or deterioration. So much time is already being put into registering and recording care throughout the sector. Then why not make the best of that?
A typical nursing home roughly registers 50 data points per resident per day. Over a year this becomes 18,250 important pieces of information about a resident’s care needs and treatment. All structured data for each resident in a home or across a group of homes. The amount of data exceeds the capacity of the human mind and opens up for artificial intelligence to help provide oversight and insights to guide the care professionals. Both frontline and back-office.
In our project, Sekoia is helping to monitor and notify changes to any individual’s data pattern. Guiding attention to changes before they could ever have been noticed or picked up in current procedures. As a type of early warning automated by AI. Predicting things before they happen. So instead of responding to changes, you can potentially prevent them from happening in the first place.
These are the first steps of an enormously important social care tech development.