NEC Birmingham |  08 - 09 October 2025

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Bridging the gap between health and social care with 'About Me' information

10 Oct 2024
Technology Theatre
Personalised care can’t happen without ensuring that the individual’s information about their needs and preferences is shared with the relevant professionals involved in their health and social care. This is what the PRSB’s About Me Standard helps to achieve. Hear from the PRSB’s Clinical Executive Director, Dr Nilesh Bharakhada, and Clinical Lead, Dr Emma Davis, on how the widespread use of the standard will build better integration between health and social care. Emma will also present a case study on how ‘About Me’ can improve the person’s care experience with long-term conditions, such as dementia.
Katie Thorn, Project Lead - Digital Care Hub
Nilesh Bharakhada, PRSB Clinical Director, GP - PRSB
Emma Davis, Clinical Lead - PRSB

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