NEC Birmingham |  08 - 09 October 2025

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LGBTQ+ inclusion: meeting the feedback requirements of the CQC single assessment framework

09 Oct 2024
People, Workforce & Wellbeing
"We treat everybody equally," is no longer an acceptable response to questions about LGBTQ+ inclusion in care during the new CQC inspections. CQC now need reliable evidence, including the feedback of LGBTQ+ people in care to demonstrate that organisations are proactively engaging with LGBTQ+ people and responding to their very different histories and individual needs. This is particularly important because the majority of older LGBTQ+ people seeking domiciliary or residential care are childless and estranged from family due to the shame of identifying as LGBTQ+ in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80's and often enter care anxious about the homophobia, biphobia or transphobia they might - and sometimes still do - experience.
Come along to hear Jim Glennon, who presented to the Women and Equalities Committee in Parliament on LGBTQ+ inequalities in the care sector, as he explains why feedback is now central to the new CQC Single Assessment Framework and what care organisations can do to ensure that LGBTQ+ residents, domiciliary care clients and LGBTQ+ staff feedback enhances, rather than detracts from, achieving outstanding inspection results.
The session will cover:
· Research evidence findings of LGBTQ+ inequalities in current care provision
· The centrality of LGBTQ+ feedback to the new Single Assessment Framework
· How to organise effective training in LGBTQ+ awareness so care staff are prepared
· How to choose from the current LGBTQ+ accreditation options for care providers
· Useful resources and practical actions to strengthen LGBTQ+ inclusion in care
Jim Glennon, Policy Director - Pride UK

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