NEC Birmingham |  08 - 09 October 2025

Retirement Living Show Logo

Ravencourt Ltd

Hall: 3 Stand: L24
  • | Dementia
  • | Sensory Products
  • | Technology (for care providers)
  • | Technology (for use in care or nursing home)
Ravencourt Ltd

Ravencourt focuses on designing, developing, and manufacturing daily living aids for the elderly and disabled to help people maintain their independence longer. Our team specialises in creating user-friendly products for a range of disabilities, from visual impairment to dementia. We prioritise our customers and continually seek their feedback so we can improve and expand our product range. With years of collaborating with leading charities and organisations in the sector, we have developed a unique expertise in specialised product development.


Ravencourt Ltd, Cobbsnook Buildings, Newstead Road
United Kingdom
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  • In between naps and being adorable real puppies require a lot of special attention. AGELESS INNOVATION'S JOY FOR ALL Companion Pet Pups have all the love in the world to give but it won't chew up your slipper!
  • The JOY FOR ALL Companion Pet Cat looks, feels, and sounds like a real cat. But they're so much more than soft fur, soothing purrs, and pleasant meows. These cats respond to petting, hugging, and motion much like the real ones you know and love but don't require any special care or feeding. This personally rich experience can bring joy and comfort to aging loved ones without any vet bills to worry about.
  • HUG is a sensory companion doll for dementia . Designed to bring pleasure and comfort to people living with dementia. Cuddle HUG to feel a beating heart in its soft body. Weighted limbs make it feel as if it's hugging back. The perfect sensory doll for dementia. HUG can play music which you can easily change to a favourite playlist. HUG can also be used as a Bluetooth Speaker. 
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